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Where can I rent a manual cold cap and what is the delivery time?

In Canada, the only company offering this option is *Penguin Cold Caps*. It is also possible to rent cold caps from the USA. Although *Penguin Cold Caps* is still the leader in its category in the USA (and the first to be used in the USA back in 2005), a few brands such as *Chemo Cold*, *Arctic Cold Caps*, *Wishcaps* or *Warrior Caps* offer products on the US market that can be ordered in Canada. In order to make an informed decision about the supplier, the following factors should be considered: delivery time (and customs clearance), exchange rate, length of rental period, speed of replacement in the event of breakage or defect, French-speaking support and knowledge of the local hospital environment. You can place your order with *Penguin Cold Caps Canada* directly <a href="https://www.penguincoldcaps.ca/order" target="_blank">on their website</a>, which is the first step. We recommend that you place your order 4 to 5 working days before the start of your chemotherapy. If you need to start your treatment sooner, please contact their French-speaking team in advance at <a href="mailto:quebec@penguincoldcaps.ca">quebec@penguincoldcaps.ca</a>. Once you've placed your order, we'll dispatch it as quickly as possible. In an emergency, you can receive all equipment in Quebec within 36 to 48 hours, and under normal circumstances, delivery takes 48 to 72 hours. *Penguin Cold Caps* will send you a confirmation email with a tracking number, as well as all the necessary information, including an instruction manual, care guide and instructional videos, once your order has been confirmed. To find out whether cold cap technology is compatible with your chemotherapy protocol, please contact your chosen cold cap supplier.

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