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Why don’t all hospitals in Quebec offer the option to use cooling caps?

Some hospitals in Quebec provide cooling caps to patients free of charge, though in limited quantities. Some facilities use manual caps (such as Saint-Sacrement in Quebec City and Legardeur in Lanaudière), while others have fixed systems (such as in Gatineau). These hospitals handle the changing of caps and the installation for patients, offering a turnkey service that can simplify the treatment process. However, due to the overwhelming workload of healthcare staff, the protocol may not always be followed precisely, and essential information about hair care before, during, and after use may not be communicated correctly, potentially affecting results. The use of cooling caps for patient well-being is often seen as an additional burden on staff in an already strained healthcare system. The associated costs are also high. This is why some patients choose to rent manual caps in parallel to adhere to the manufacturer’s protocol and/or continue treatments at home to optimize their chances of success. Ideally, hospitals would implement autonomous systems or consider solutions such as biomedical freezers, dry ice supply, or self-service caps for patients. The Foundation is actively working to create support programs to make life easier for chemotherapy patients who wish to preserve their hair. Check the [https://gardetescheveux.org/en/obtenir-du-soutien/](Get support) section of our website to learn more about upcoming programs, which we hope will be supported by partners. At the same time, it is crucial to understand the key success factors that can influence the effectiveness of this method, and it is important to question your healthcare staff about this if the method is offered at your hospital:

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