Welcome to the new *Garde tes cheveux* fondation website! - About us

Testimony by Alexandra Boulianne

Director of Consolidation and Special Projects
CHUM, 2 Carbo Taxol
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In April 2023, at 28 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Action had to be taken quickly to stop the disease while allowing me to carry the pregnancy to term. The treatment plan determined was two carbo-taxol treatments and a cesarean-hysterectomy. After the medical team assured us that our baby would be healthy and safe during the treatments, one of the first things that concerned me was hair loss. I was told that I would lose my hair about 15-20 days after my first treatment. My oncologist and the oncology pharmacist at CHUM talked to me about the possibility of using cooling caps (what a true privilege!). I had barely three days to get everything set up, but I did my research and decided to go for it. I wholeheartedly recommend cooling caps to anyone who wants to keep their hair during chemotherapy. Using the caps requires preparation and discipline, but for me, it took some focus off the illness during the treatments - we had a mission! The Garde tes cheveux Foundation gave me the strength I needed to get through this ordeal. I felt good and like myself - an important factor in my overall healing process, in my opinion. I hope the possibility of using cooling caps becomes better known, communicated, and accessible. My personal experience deeply motivated me to make a difference by raising awareness about this technique and supporting people going through something like cancer. An eternal thank you to my partner, my “capper,” who was fully present and on time for every cap change! - *Alexandra*

Have you used scalp cooling caps and want to share your experience to inspire others?