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Support Program "Garde tes cheveux in Northern Lanaudière"

The financial support program "Garde tes cheveux in Northern Lanaudière," an initiative of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux du Nord de Lanaudière in collaboration with the Garde tes cheveux Foundation, offers patients in the region free rental of manual cooling caps, allowing them to preserve their hair during chemotherapy.

In collaboration with

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Description of the program

The Centre hospitalier De Lanaudière, part of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Lanaudière, is the first hospital in Canada to independently offer manual cold cap rentals to patients wishing to preserve their hair during chemotherapy, while adhering to an optimal protocol to maximize the chances of success:

  1. Compliant, non-expired caps (caps have an expiration date, and if not respected, their performance decreases);
  2. Optimal conditions to follow the protocol:
  • The Garde tes cheveux Foundation reminds patients that manual cooling caps must be changed by patients and their companions every 20 to 25 minutes to maintain a temperature between -28°C and -35°C, as per the protocol.
  • Caps must be worn 50 minutes before the start of the infusion, during the infusion, and for 3 to 5 hours post-infusion.
  • Patients do not stay longer at the hospital and simply continue rotating the three caps at home, in the comfort of their own space.

Main Eligibility Criteria

  • Wish to use cooling caps to preserve hair despite chemotherapy and have the desire to fully commit to adhering to the manufacturer’s protocol.
  • Be receiving care at the Centre hospitalier De Lanaudière (Joliette) and be followed in hematology-oncology.
  • The program is available to everyone: men and women, regardless of cancer type (excluding leukemia). In case of doubts about a patient’s eligibility (exceptional protocols or specific health conditions), the Penguin Cold Caps Canada team can consult with their specialists (quebec@penguincoldcaps.ca). Generally, validation takes a maximum of 24 hours. For more information, check these two FAQs for health professionals: “Are there any contraindications?” and “What treatments are cold caps generally used with?”
  • The patient must agree to the manufacturer’s terms of use and commit to following the protocol. Cold caps must be used consistently at every treatment. The program beneficiary must ensure they have the necessary funds to cover delivery fees not included in the program, as well as the dry ice required for each treatment.
  • The beneficiary must have a credit card to place an order with the supplier. It will be held as a guarantee and cover the delivery charges.


  1. What expenses are covered by the program?

    • The program covers the rental fees for manual cooling caps during the patient’s treatment period.
    • The CISSSNL will provide 5 rolling 56.8-liter coolers for patients to use. If all 5 coolers are already in circulation, the program beneficiary will need to purchase a cooler at their own expense.
    • Delivery fees are the responsibility of the beneficiary.
    • Dry ice costs are also the responsibility of the beneficiary. The Garde tes cheveux Foundation has negotiated a discount on dry ice with Linde Canada for chemotherapy patients. For more details, refer to the FAQ “Everything About Dry Ice.”
    • No retroactive reimbursements will be accepted for orders placed before the program’s start date.
  2. How is the financial assistance provided?

    • No money is directly given to the beneficiary who submitted the application.
    • The financial assistance is paid directly to the service provider, Penguin Cold Caps Canada. The Garde tes cheveux Foundation has established a process with Penguin Cold Caps Canada.
    • Once your application is approved by the program, a simple ordering process with the cap distributors will be sent to you via email.
  3. How to submit a financial support application for "Garde tes cheveux au nord de Lanaudière"?

    • Fill out the form below.
    • Upon receipt of the request, a representative from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Lanaudière will confirm your eligibility within 24 to 36 business hours.
    • Once your application is accepted into the program, you will receive an email with a simple process to order your caps directly from the manufacturer.
    • A code will be provided for your order on the manufacturer’s website. You will need to place your order online independently.
    • This code will cover the monthly rental fees, in accordance with the program’s terms and conditions.
    • It is essential to familiarize yoursefl with the cold cap method before submitting your application to the program.
    • If you have general questions before deciding whether or not to use the caps, we invite you to fill out the general information form available in the [https://gardetescheveux.org/en/contact/](Contact) section of your website.
    • This version maintains clarity and professionalism. 😊
    • Please note that the “Garde tes cheveux au nord de Lanaudière” program operates independently, and the Garde tes cheveux Foundation does not participate in the selection of beneficiaries.
  4. What are the contact details for any questions?

    You can contact the Garde tes cheveux Foundation exclusively by email at info@gardetescheveux.org, and we will liaise with the person responsible at the Integrated Health and Social Services Center of Lanaudière if needed.

Submit a request