Welcome to the new *Garde tes cheveux* website!
Resources FAQ

Can I wet my hair in a lake, sea, spa or swimming pool during treatment?

Exposure of the scalp to chlorinated or salty water is not recommended (direct sunlight on the head should also be avoided). Putting your head under fresh, cold lake water is an option, but you need to take into account the recommended washing time (see question [https://gardetescheveux-staging.netlify.app/en/faq-singles/quand-et-comment-laver-ses-cheveux-pour-optimiser-la-methode/](When and how should you wash your hair to optimize the method?)). Detangling hair after a swim adds extra stress to the follicles. It's up to each individual to assess his or her own situation and weigh up the pros and cons before making a personal decision. Of course, each person is unique. These recommendations are based on best practice and cannot guarantee results. Everyone should be inspired by the spirit of these recommendations to make the decision that's best for them, taking into account their own well-being, personal reality and theoretical information. Find the balance that suits you best.


For more detailed information, please consult the Hair Tips section of our <a href="https://gardetescheveux-staging.netlify.app/blogue/" target="_blank">Blog</a>.

See the complete list of FAQ